Do I even want to go there? It's so exciting to have the freedom to put my head around something other than losing weight! But there are things I want to commit to this year, and I want to get them down. I may need to prune the list somewhat in the near future, but here goes:
1) Memory verses. I have two books of memory verse cards, 120 verses in each book on business cards. My head stays in so much better of a place when I fill it with the Word. So my resolution would be to spend some time reviewing and studying my memory verses every day, or at least five days out of seven.
2) Maintain weight loss. Duh.
3) Exercise. I want to run this year. I want to be able to step out my door and run to the high school and back (3 miles). Or run to CVS and back (3 miles). Or run down the pretty dirt road behind my house for 1.5 miles and back (3 miles). And when I'm done I want to be able to take a single deep breath, flash a smile that exudes unnatural levels of good health and vitality making all around me green with envy, and say, "Whew! That was fun!"
4) Blog. This blog is something of a panacea for me. Getting the noise in my head down here fills me with a calm that verges on joy. Like yesterday. I don't think anything I wrote yesterday was especially pithy or witty or valuable in any other way. But I told my big story, expressed my glad bewilderment over the accomplishment, and somehow the confusion of the day (and there was considerable confusion yesterday in just the everyday frenzy of having all the family with friends under one roof...and an enterprising husband who decided to overhaul the basement and both hall closets all at the same time) -- but somehow the confusion of the day seemed more tractable after I'd blogged. I could cope better, roll with the punches, quiet the clamor, handle the hubbub, deal with the din, manage the madhouse, tether the tumult, bridle the bedlam, you get the idea. So, dear sweet blog, let us become more regular companions this year. Let us further our intimacy as I do all the talking and you do all the listening, which we know is the best foundation for every great friendship.
5) Learn Greek. Okay, I'm chuckling even as I type this one. I know I don't even remotely have the time. But I really want to, and I have all the tools: a friendly textbook and workbook and cd's and flashcards. I have visions of coming down with tuberculosis or some other malady that would require, say, two years of uninterrupted bedrest, but would leave my mind and spirit unaffected, so I could just wake up every morning and study (and blog, and read). Oh happy day!
I think I better stick with resolutions 1-4. I'll leave my Greek materials out on a tabletop to just impress visitors.
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